New Beginnings & February Updates!

Hello Pebble Creek Phase One!

The new year is well under way and the newly convened Board of Directors continues to work through the yearly ‘transition of power’ as we each learn our new roles. We THANK YOU for your patience as we continue that process.

We met as a Board for our first monthly meeting last night and wanted to let you know a few things:

  1. Meeting Minutes can be located within the Documents section of the website - feel free to check them out and use the Home Page of the website or to contact us if you have any questions.

  2. We have some updates to share on topics covered at the Annual Meeting:

    • Whittlin Way and Sassafras Dr. Road Study for Speed Bumps: We sadly did NOT qualify for speed bumps. Given the expense of alternatives like a radar sign, a couple of Board Members from Whittlin/Sassafras will be using this opportunity to discuss alternative options with neighbors and possibly display some additional signage to encourage drivers to slow down. View the notice from the county on the Documents page.

    • Road Signs: Two signage updates to be installed week of 3.5.19. Honeybee and Stallings Rd. (fix from storm damage). Whittlin Way (‘No Outlet’ added).

    • We have received our first batch of printed door hangers to enhance our ability to communicate with neighbors! These serve a great many purposes not the least of which is an easy way to communicate that we’ve stopped in to say “Hello” and missed you or that you’ve unknowingly violated a Covenant….

    • DUES are DUE! If you have any questions about payment, please contact Earl Nielsen. His information is located on the Contacts page of the website.

    • The Pool: Will be opening under ownership of an investor that we were able to assist in connecting with the owner of the Country Club. Dues are rumored to be somewhere in the range of $400-$450 for the Summer (subject to their decisions and change). The HOA remains otherwise uninvolved in the ownership/management of the Pool.

    • Duke Energy Lighting Update. This project continues to be more of a journey in negotiation with Duke Energy regarding rates and replacement of lights to LED than any sort of Capital Improvement. Rob Rowen and Earl Nielsen are taking point with Duke Energy and are being assisted by a couple of willing neighbors. More to come, but essentially on hold pending further discussions at this time.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything!