Pebble Creek Phase 1

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April Highlights!

Hello Neighbors!

We met as a Board for our second monthly meeting last week and wanted to share what seems like will become our monthly highlights! These are just the ‘high points’ of our meeting. Full meeting minutes can be located within the Documents section of the website. Feel free to check them out and use the Home Page of the website or to contact us if you have any questions. Without further ado, here are some highlights for this month!

  1. Pool: If you haven’t heard, plans are moving forward to reopen the pool under new management this year. For more information, please visit the Pebble Creek Swim Club Facebook Page or visit their website at Prices for memberships range from $275-$400 and there’s a $25 discount if you sign up before May 15th!

  2. Speaking of FUN, we’re beginning to look at some social events for the year. SAVE THE DATE of July 12th for a BLOCK PARTY! We’re also working on cracking out those pink flamingoes again for some monthly socials. Stay tuned for details!

  3. Landscaping: The owners of the golf course have agreed to let the HOA take over management of the entrance from Stallings Rd. onto Pebble Creek Drive. Michael is beginning work to ultimately manage and beautify that entrance soon!

  4. Covenants: We have a few open items we are continuing to work on with neighbors. Please never forget to be neighborly and communicate with one another (it’s just a nice thing to do). No other major updates at this time.

  5. Treasurer: DUES are still DUE if you have not yet paid them ($150). Invoices were re-sent at the beginning of March. Collection processes begin at the end of April! If you have any questions, head over to the Contacts page to get in touch with Earl!

  6. Roads & Signs:

    1. You may have noticed yard signage around the Sassafras/Whittlin Way area…as crazy as it sounds, those seem to be helping slow traffic! We’d like to move signs around every so often. If you’re interested in housing a sign in your yard for a time, please head over to the Contacts page and get in touch with Rob!

    2. Golf carts on the roads: Check out this article regarding golf cart operation laws in South Carolina. This is a hot topic of conversation, but not something the HOA regulates…

    3. Sign updates have been installed on Honeybee Lane (storm damage) and Whittlin Way (addition of ‘no outlet’)!

Hope you all are well and as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do for you!