Yard of the Month June 2022

Congratulations to David and Donna Elrod, 109 Whittlin Way, Yard of the Month winners for June.

“We moved to Pebble Creek in 2017 after looking at houses for over two years. Since my days in high school as a lifeguard at the Pebble Creek pool, I always dreamed of living here someday.

Even though there were so many improvements we needed to do to the house and the yard, we knew it would be a labor of love. It was such a personal experience. The rocks that are in the front yard are from the cattle farm in Piedmont, David grew up on. The flowers we planted were all about the colors and bringing happy colors to the yard. We expanded the driveway so family and friends could easily maneuver cars around each other, one of the best things we could have ever done.

David and I are so very proud to receive the "Yard of The Month" honor. We love living in Pebble Creek and consider it an honor to be a part of this wonderful community. With every plant we plant and every improvement we make we think it is a great investment in our lives and our neighbors' lives.”